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Features and Limitations

Known limitations

  • Some types of traffic (like multicast) may not work on VPP-enabled interfaces. Currently tested only unicast. Feel free to provide your feedback, if you will find any traffic type that does not work.
  • Features like firewall or PBR which use Linux kernel are not exposed to VPP dataplane. Traffic that has both in and out interfaces inside VPP cannot be controlled additionally.
  • vmxnet3 interfaces require exposing/emulation IOMMU for a VyOS virtual machine.
  • virtio interfaces are not supported with IOMMU enabled on a VyOS virtual machine
  • routes that are not available in the kernel will not be added to VPP, including the default route. All traffic to non-existing routes is dropped. This means that to receive all the traffic it is better to have a default route in the kernel - then VPP will punt everything not routable via VPP interfaces to the kernel. An example of the corner case is a DHCP client that will not work because DHCP answers will not be forwarded to the kernel without the route.

Supported features list

  • Ethernet interfaces (DPDK and XDP drivers)
  • Ethernet bonding (LACP and static)
  • VLAN and QinQ on all L2 interfaces
  • Bridging of multiple interfaces in a bridge domain
  • Cross-connect (xconnect) of two interfaces
  • IPIP
  • Routing between VPP and kernel
  • multiple interface modes (polling, interrupt, adaptive)